Calm Spirit

Ying Yu Jade

Calm Spirit / Ying Yu Jade Blog
Kathleen's Profile

I live with my husband in Kissimmee, Florida, since 2004. I started Calm Spirit as an online counseling service in 1998, and when I started studying Chinese medicine, it expanded to Chinese Wellness. I started going to China in 1999 to learn Chinese medicine and qigong, and bought jade during that trip, including bangles, jade rollers, a jade pillow and learned how jade and the body qi (energy) are related, and added jade products. In 2001, I had so many jade products that I started the Ying Yu Jade web site.

I'm a "baby boomer", originally from Ohio, and have travelled and lived throughout the USA. I have a MA degree in psychology, and worked for 30 years as a mental health counselor, in agencies and in a public school district. We left our jobs in Ohio in 2004 to move to central Florida and see if we could make a living with the web sites.
Thanks for our customers, we can work from home, and both web sites are our "jobs".

Kathleen and Buddha in China

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contact: yingyujade @