Spirit ![]() Ying Yu Jade |
June 2008
You can always see what's new, click here As June ends, and July brings hot, hot summer weather, this is a reminder to keep your jade out of direct sun. Don't let it get hot. Jade doesn't like to be hot, in fact, heat is a treatment to enhance jade color, as well as to enhance the colors of some gemstones. Sellers at the jade markets keep the lights turned off their display cases when there's no one looking at them, and keep a container of water in each case because jade doesn't like to be dry, either. So if you're enjoying the hot, sunny weather, keep your jade in the shade. June 29 I've been having internet problems for more than a week, either with my "store" not working right, or with the DSL internet. It's all improving, but might take a few more days. I apologize if I haven't answered your emails or inquiries, and if you left a message more than two days ago and haven't got a response, please try again because I think emails are getting lost, too. I did receive two emails today from "long time" customers. One commented about the better quality of jade that I've been able to purchase this past year, and asked if jade was going up in price, which it is. I've been paying more for better quality, but trying not to raise the prices too much. The other email was inquiring if I would take trade-ins for a higher quality, and higher priced, jade bangle. I used to be able to take trade ins, but now my inventory is quite large, to the point I need another web site to for the space, Jade Bangle Bracelets. I think YYJ has matured as have "long time" customers. We started with less expensive jade, and as we could afford it, bought better quality. When my Chinese supplier bought jade to send to me, I gave him a price range, and happily accepted what he bought for me. Now that I purchase personally, I am more "picky" about what I buy. I wish I had the time and space to take trade ins, or have a consignments section for customers who want to "trade up". I still have a few trade ins I took more than a year ago on the trade in and estate pages. Most are nice, and some I bought for YYJ to have some estate pieces, but they don't "move" and sit around for a long time. If you want to sell your jade, you can sell it on ebay, or on Craig's List. That might be an interesting internet business for someone who loves jade, selling jade on consignment! June 26 We live in an out-of-control-growth and poorly planned community, it seems there are no guidelines for new buildings, and there's something being built all the time. We've had power outages due to cables getting cut during building, and today our internet was out due to careless digging. I went to the public library to retrieve and process some orders, but didn't want to access most of my business sites because it's an unsecured wi-fi. So no Daily Special today, sorry about that. If you're reading this, you can make your own daily special by taking $15 off any jade bangle $175+ by using coupon code BB15 on the order form, good until noon Thursday, June 26. The internet is working again, will get your emails answered as soon as possible! June 25 I received an email from a satisfied customer who received her jade bangle and was so pleased at how much nicer the "real thing" was from the photo. And she likes more the longer she wears it. Jade needs to be worn, and your body qi will exchange with it. It will become more beautiful, and so will you as the qi exchanges. If your jade that you wear every day looks not so good, it can indicate a health problem. Or it could be what happens to me: it gets covered in hair spray, body lotion and everything else I get into. So keep your jade bangle clean, wear it when you bathe then polish it with a soft cloth. And if it looks kind of dreary, watch your health! June 23 Several readers are trying to talk me into going shopping in China in October. I checked airfare, and the cost is almost twice as much from when I went in March. Last time we went, NWA was having an airfare sale and we got a good deal, and you have to keep in mind that my costs to go to China get factored into the price of the jade pieces. Lucky for you we fly coach class! NOW is the time to make reservations for October. I dunno.....I'd have to think of some really, really good reasons to go twice in one year. Of course, if I sell most of my inventory, then I would definitely go. So you know what that means....I'll go again when I need more to sell! June 22 I purchased some different jade things, including the adjustable jade bracelets with beads and flowers, and earrings, necklaces, during my China trip, but most of them never made it to the web site. I wear "new" things, and friends and neighbors see them and buy them. It's good to know that they were good sellers, but I sure wish I had more of them. If air travel weren't so difficult, I would consider going again in October. I've been hearing horror stories about domestic flights the last couple of weeks, if the airlines start valuing their customers again I would feel more inclined to fly. I certainly enjoy shopping in China, and know my readers enjoy seeing new products. June 20 Today's and Thursday's Daily Special is a good example of a summer jade. It's a light green jade, with an imperial green vein to give it good color and energy. Summer jade energy helps balance the body during hot months, soft green, translucent green, lighter colors. A friend asked me to bring a couple jade bangles for her to try on this afternoon when I went to the pool to cool off for awhile. It was really hot, mid 90's, and she loved the coolness of the jade she looked at. If you are thinking about getting a summer jade, this is a good week to make your purchase because I am donating 10% of all sales June 18-25 to the American Red Cross for domestic emergency services. So you can get something special for yourself, and help a good cause without making an actual donation. June 18 This evening we ate at a Chinese buffet restaurant that we like. The wait staff is always young, and I have never seen any of the women wearing a jade bangle, until this visit. And the jade bangle was a traditional, round one, which are more rare to find these days. And she wore it on her non-dominant wrist. She was also very pregnant. A young mainland Chinese woman told me that jade bangles are "old fashioned", so it was very nice to see that some younger Chinese women still love to wear the jade bangle. I have seen her on previous visits, before I saw her so pregnant, so I am guessing she's wearing it for good luck and health for her baby. June17 A customer commented that she was disappointed that there aren't any jade bangles in the clearance section, and did I plan to add more. Since I've been buying most of the jade myself and bringing it back with me, I haven't had shipping damage to deal with. I check every piece when I buy it, sometimes I miss a chip, scratch, or small crack, and those get sold in the clearance section. Sometimes bad things happen to good jade, so there may be an occasional addition to the clearance section. But I don't put "old" jade that's been on the web site for awhile in clearance. If you find a jade bangle in clearance that is your size, it a good buy. June 16 Here is a shipping update. I've been shipping differently for a few weeks for several reasons. One reason is that USPS shipping has increased and I didn't want to raise shipping charges. Jade can break even if I pack it well, if it's a small box and gets heavy parcels dropped on it, it's going to break no matter how well it's packed. So most parcels need insurance. That went up in price, too. The other even bigger problem has been that the mail carriers frequently deliver mail to the wrong addresses, and a customer tells me they didn't receive their parcel, but delivery confirmation indicates that it was delivered. So I've been sending orders over $200 with signature confirmation so the mail carrier will have to deliver it and get a signature proving it was delivered. Insurance and signature confirmation charges on top of priority mail charges is more than the shipping charge, so I've been sending more orders by first class mail, which takes a day longer, but I usually get your order mailed the same or next business day, so it's still pretty fast. The last few things I ordered online took a week or longer to be delivered, I ordered accessories for my Palm that took 10 days from Louisville, KY to Orlando. Anyway, I've had a couple concerns "where's my order" but I would appreciate feedback from customers what you think about the shipping policy update, including if you think higher shipping and faster is better for you. June 13 When I buy "sister"
jade bangles, two in a double size wrapper, most of the time they are
the same size, but sometimes they are different sizes from the same rough.
If I keep one for myself, I always hope the "sister" will go
to someone who really loves jade, and feel very lucky if a friend, or
favorite customer buys the other one. Then we can be "jade sisters".
One of my dearest friends and neighbors decided she wanted a jade bangle,
and I chose a selection in her size, with one of them being a "sister"
to a favorite bangle of mine. I was thrilled when she chose the sister.
It fit her perfectly and looks great on. I don't have any biological sisters,
but now she will always be my jade sister. Sometimes jade
carvers put two jade bangles carved from the same rough in one packet
and you have to buy both of them. They are "sisters" and some
people really jump at the chance to buy two bangles that are the same.
Of course, there are some variations due to the jade being natural. I
sell some jade "sister sets"
that are a carved jade bangle and a smooth jade bangle in the same size.
Every now and then a sharp shopper will send me an enquiry because it
seems that two bangles show the same photo. The differences are so subtle
that the photos looks the same. Sometimes I'm lucky and can purchase two
double packs of jade bangles the same size, carved from the same rough,
usually these are only available directly from the carver because once
they are purchased for the jade market, you can rarely find "sisters".
They are truly rare. More about "sisters" tomorrow. The weather has been wild, with many storms, tornadoes, and flooding and I wish you all well. Stay safe and take care. I've been wearing the high energy jade bangle I purchased in China in March, it feels good on, and I feel protected when I wear it. It's very yang with its dark coloring, but light color jade is peaceful and also good protection from yang storms. Chinese people also believe that each crack in jade is a time the jade protected the wearer. And Guan Yin and Buddha jade pendants are also good for protection, especially for children and pets. So be safe, wear your jade. June 10 Thanks to readers who sent photos of jade using their cameras. The general comment is that it's difficult to take good photos, in focus front and back side, accurate color, getting enough light to see the jade stone quality. I'll be camera shopping, but it sure is difficult. The only store that has cameras with charged batteries and memory cards so the camera can actually be tried out is Ritz Camera, and I really appreciate the knowledge of their staff. But they don't understand what I'm trying to explain about the jade photos, it sure is a specialty. Thanks again for taking the time to send photos to me, it is much appreciated. June 9 Several customers took advantage of the extra discount on Jade Bangle of the Month sale last week. Some were return customers, some new customers. New customers asked what I would recommend for the first three bangles. I would suggest a classic green Burmese jadeite bangle, a Chinese jade bangle either "water jade" or the old river jade, and perhaps a carved jade bangle, or other "fancy" jade bangle. This gives you a nice selection to choose from, and you can decide which kind of jade you like best. If you're like most of us "jade ladies", you like to change your jade bangles to "go" with your mood, your outfit, or the energy you need. Watch for new jade bangles to replace the sold ones this week! June 8 As you can imagine, the photos of jade are of the most important aspects of the web site. Almost all genuine jade will look better than the photo shows, but you still have to show a good photo. And it's extremely difficult to photograph jade bangles and pendants. Try it sometime, and see if you get a good photo on your first few shots. If you do, please let me know what camera you are using! I have bought and returned several cameras, trying to find one to replace the one I use now, which is getting old and will die one of these days. One of the things I like about my old Fuji camera is that it lets me know when jade color has been enhanced. For some unknown reason, when I take a photo and it doesn't look right, most of the time it's because the color is enhanced. I get samples from sellers, who certify them as A, and if it looks like A I have to believe it is. Then I discovered that my camera will let me know when it's not A. A couple of years ago I purchased the same model on ebay, but although it's the "same" camera, it takes photos differently, and doesn't have the same idiosyncrasy of showing me color enhancement. Wednesday's Daily Special was a bangle that needed a better photo, and a returning customer who knows the "real thing" is always better than the photo snapped it up. It takes quite a few photos to get one that has accurate color and detail, allows the light to show through, and is in focus. So when you see a preview price or a price because one needs a better photo, you're getting a deal because all the work of getting the photo in the web site hasn't been done. A good deal for you, and more me! June 4 The media has warned us who live in Florida to prepare for hurricane season which continues until the end of October. So of course I'm wearing my best protection jade bangle with lots of high energy. My home has good feng shui, with some amulets in strategic places. And oh yes, I am stocking water and canned goods, too. Jade has been worn by Chinese people for centuries for protection, both for the jade itself and for the symbolism of the carvings. The jade three-legged money toads are displayed in businesses in China to bring good fortune and protect the business. Parents purchase small jade Buddha and Guan Yin pendants for their children to wear for protection. These pendants are even made to put on your precious pet's collars for protection. People have told me stories about how their jade protected them, that each crack in their jade is a time when the jade protected them. So jade is not only an ornament, but a traditional protection amulet. June 3 Several readers have asked if Ying Yu Jade would be involved in raising funds for aid to China's earthquake victims. If you want to make a donation, I would suggest making it to your local Chinatown organization that is collecting money, because they have the means to get the aid to China quickly, and know where it really needs to go. There have been so many tragedies in the world, and in our own country here, and we tend to get what psychologists call "compassionate burnout". We give, we care, but then we forget. However, after we forget, the tragedy still goes on. So it's often better to make your donation after the initial donations and aid have been been made, because after the initial giving has fallen off, the need is still there. June 2 May is my favorite month, but here it is June already. The Calm Spirit/Ying Yu Jade newsletter focus on Chinese wellness for June is taking care of the stomach. The stomach is the livers related organ that is often a cause of illness in June, so check out the wellness tips. The Calm
Spirit / Ying Yu Jade complete June newsletter is available online now,
click here. This month features Chinese medicine wellness information
for June regarding balance of body, mind and spirit. There is information
about what kind of jade to wear this month if you wear jade for your health,
and more. |
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