Calm Spirit

Ying Yu Jade

Welcome to the Calm Spirit / Ying Yu Jade Blog

Several of my customers have commented that since they make regular purchases from my web sites, they would like the opportunity to get to know me better. If you make regular purchases from a brick-and-mortar store, you get to know who you are doing business with by having conversations with them, but doing business on the internet doesn't offer the buyer the same opportunity. It was suggested that a blog would help you to get to know me and what I "do" as I work on my web businesses. I won't promise daily blogging, but I'll write when I have something to say that I think you might be interested in reading about.

I will be happy to hear from you with your comments, questions and suggestions.

Current Blog


Kathleen's Profile

Jade shopping in Sishui

Tai Chi with Dr. Charles Li in Beijing

China Travelogs

Jade Photo Album and Museum

Ying Yu Jade Web Site

Calm Spirit Web Site

Monthly Newsletter

Contact: yingyujade @